About aprisolar

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ApriSolar is a renewable energy company that combines nature’s resources with the best-in class technology to generate cost-effective and sustainable power where it is needed most. We target developing countries in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean and identify locations suffering from high energy deficiency. Using the most advanced innovations in renewable energy technology, we aim to electrify and connect cities, rural communities and businesses to electricity that is sustainable and affordable. Our distinctive energy solutions are designed to meet the specific needs of a particular location. We work closely with the public and private sectors to secure local community buy-in and ensure the successful installation and maintenance of our assets. 

We finance, build, own and operate solar, wind, hydropower energy generation and storage assets

ApriSolar’s economic and environmental impact supports the delivery of 9 UN Sustainable Development Goals

We are powering sustainable energy for the future

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Inefficient and unreliable power can destabilize economic growth in any nation, but it is particularly devastating in developing countries. Prolonged electricity crises have produced a vicious cycle of regular blackouts in many emerging markets. High operating costs and reduced revenue due to electricity theft from illegal connections leave distribution companies with limited resources to resolve the power outages. In some instances, government tries to address inadequate revenue by raising tariffs. However, this makes rates |ess affordable for more consumers and ultimately fewer bills are paid. Governments resort to subsides which place a burden on its fiscal resources, and the cycle continues.

Ultimately many consumers must turn to expensive, environmentally harmful methods of generating their own power, which further exacerbates the problem. To mitigate rising CO2 levels we are firmly committed to using the most efficient, highly sustainable and eco-friendly products on the market. We are making a big impact on reversing climate change by reducing the demand on finite natural resources.

Clean reliable energy shouldn‘t be a luxury. It is a necessity and should be accessible to all. We are helping to break the negative economic and environmental impact of energy generation through hydrocarbons, improve living standards, and position developing economies for growth by implementing modern, green and cost-efficient energy production.

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Our Mission

  • Generate 1000 MW of renewable energy by year 2025
  • Installed assets will reduce CO2 by 530,000 kg by 2025
  • Support investment in renewable power generation for non-OECD countries
  • Deliver Innovative services – Investable solutions where it is needed most
  • Deliver electricity that is sustainable, affordable  and reliable to developing countries in Africa and LATAM

  • Accelerate the adoption of renewable energy in developing countries
  • Mitigate the impact of climate change by providing an alternative to energy generated with hydrocarbons
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A Word From Our CEO

We started ApriSolar to make a difference in how energy was generated in developing countries. Industrialization has improved the standard of life and economic status of most OECD member countries. However, according to health and environmental data we have powered industrial growth with harmful and unsustainable sources of energy for far too long. Technology is providing us with cleaner, more affordable ways to generate electricity going forward. We believe that by investing in renewable energy projects we can support the adoption of green energy generation in emerging markets.

Our vision is to power the next chapter of economic development for non-OECD member countries, with energy sources that is truly sustainable. 

As a Renewable Power Producer, we are actively participating in the international debate on sustainability and the development of energy-saving technologies. we are mandating for policies governing the manufacture of renewable energy technology to be more sustainable by using more recyclable parts, this reduces waste, is less harmful for people and the environment.  A truly sustainable business case, for us, is one where all components fit into the circular economy principle of reducing waste throughout the entire renewable energy value chain.

On all our projects the full electricity production cycle is taken into account, from design to installation to de-commissioning of a plant. Our engineers plan pro-active maintenance of our assets to ensure we prolong the useful life of the assets.  Our short term aim is to have an installed capacity of 1000 MWp of renewable energy plants by the year 2025. This will help reduce 530,000 kg of CO2 by the same year in terms of capacity alone.

A key measure of success for us is developing projects that have a higher  energy density per square meter. Saving on valuable land space and delivering greater economic returns on our investments.

We are contributing to a better future by helping to reduce the global dependency on hydrocarbons. We are making it even more possible for developing countries, most of whom already have an abundance Solar Irradiance and prevailing winds, to grow their economies more efficiently by generating electricity that is sustainable, affordable and reliable.

~ Sonny Boateng​
Chief Executive Officer

We will install 1000 MW of renewable energy by year 2025